A Brush with Life - Issue #129 Art Collectors: Who Are We?

Happy New Year and welcome to 2024! In this issue we will start with a review of 2023 and my choice of the best 12 out of 30 paintings for this past year. This will be followed by a short and fun musing about who are art collectors. Then we will see what has sold and have a look at a few new releases since our last “A Brush with Life” quarterly issue in early October 2023 - which seems like so very long ago. Please! Join me in exploring this solid beginning for the new year.
Each painting year is unique with its own special moments and significant points of celebration. In 2023, I released 30 new paintings and 20 paintings from my inventory of available artworks were acquired by art collectors. Of the 30 new paintings in 2023, I have chosen 12 to represent my best work for the year. Many of these 12 paintings have been completed since September of 2023 and are fresh off of my artist’s easel. You may have other of my 30 new paintings from this past year that you would have chosen and you are welcome to add one in the comments if you feel it is missing. However, these are the ones I have selected…

May we take a moment to pause and celebrate these twelve best paintings in 2023 that are available in our private viewing room for your full browsing pleasure with a link provided in our latest website post at:

Recently, I was listening to a self identified art professional who commented that most art purchases directly from artists are from one time buyers and that these are not art collectors but rather purchasers of art for its decorative value. The emphasis was to concluded that for artists to find “real art collectors” for their work they should be considering showing with an established reputable art gallery that is connected to the larger art world. I repressed a private grin as I imagined this professional’s nose rising slightly as they pontificated on the seriousness of these distinctions, that, from my experience, are just not or are no longer alway true.
During the past ten years, the increased direct availability of art and artists to art collectors, without having to go through a third party gallery or art dealer, has definitely intensified this posturing of credibility that comes with a whole set of rules about how and where art should be shown and to whom it should be sold - if that artwork is to be taken seriously. This is understandable because art dealers and art galleries have a lot invested in protecting their turf in a highly competitive business that has been disrupted due to the ease with which art collectors can now connect and purchase directly from artists. So, since it is the first quarterly issue of “A Brush with Life” of 2024, I thought I would see if I can flush out who are these art collectors and, more specifically, who are art collectors of Terrill Welch paintings?
In my research about art collectors, I found this great article by ArtNews where it has gathered comments from the top 200 art collectors in 2023. In reviewing the responses by the various art collectors, it is easy for me to identify the sentiments and practices of many you who have and continue to purchase my paintings. Here is the full article if you wish to read it for yourself:

As a visual artist, gallery owner and a budding art collector myself, the question about who is an art collector is fascinating to me. This is because there is no easy answer but rather a handful of general symptoms that can lead us to believe someone is susceptible to art collecting and that they are possibly leaning towards a lifelong affliction. So, in a very loose, unverifiable, summary based on my personal research, observations, and my best guesses, here are my top seven indicators that you are (or are likely to become) an art collector:
- If you have purchased more than two original artworks recently without knowing where you are going to hang them, you are susceptible to becoming an art collector. However, there is still hope that you can avoid a full blown obsession. To be honest though, it is not looking good!
- If you have purchased more than three of my paintings, I consider you an art collector of “Terrill Welch paintings.” If you have purchased more than five of my paintings, you are considered a serious art collector of my artwork. This distinction would apply to any other artist’s artwork you are also purchasing. Please take special note of the next indicator because your condition is likely to progress and it is always good to have a plan for the future. Hint - not having anymore wall space is usually not a deterrent in these situations!
- If you have more than five artists in your art collection and more than five original artworks from each artist, you have a serious art collecting affliction that will at some point likely result in having to secure dedicated storage or lead to purchasing a larger home just for your art collection. No need to start worrying yet though… the progression is usually slow and most often does not result in serious harm, unless you trip over a stack of paintings obstructing your hallway in the dark during a nighttime adventure to the washroom. Such an event does raise some safety concerns and suggests that you might be experiencing a full blown art collecting episode! I suggest that you seek help from a knowledgeable art collector therapist at your earliest convenience.
- If you spend many of your waking hours researching and investigating artworks by both contemporary and historical artists in your area of interest and visiting their work physical or in online art galleries and you find yourself subscribing and reading several gallery and artist’s newsletters, then your path is chosen. Admit it, you are an art collector.
- If you tend to periodically or seasonally move the art in your collection around or between your spaces, there is a good chance that the artwork is appreciated for more than its decorative value and has become a personal anchor in your daily life… as an art collector.
- If you only occasionally buy an original artwork, maybe while travelling as a memento or when you move into a new home or when you are remodelling a room, then it is likely that you have made your purchases based on their decorative value as a person who appreciates art. In this case, you might possibly be spared a full blown art collector affliction. That said, it is worth monitoring closely and reviewing some of the other symptoms and indicators identified in this list to see if your condition is advancing.
- However, if you know the age of the artists you collect and the name of their partner, children and inquire about how their parents are doing and you possibly clicked on the link to the article above about what the 200 top art collectors had to say before reading my list of indicators, there is no hope! Congratulations! You have been bitten by the art collector bug and will live a long life enriched by artwork and the joys of knowing artists and gallery owners, art dealers and other art collectors who have likely become personal friends over your years of connecting to collect artwork.
As you might have surmised by now, I created this list in jest. I mostly wanted to draw our attention to the fact that art collecting, particularly from living artists, that results in studying, researching and learning about art tends to enrich our lives and the lives of those around us and also the lives of artists we collect. Happy art collecting!
And on that note, we shall start with what has recently be added to private collections...
These three resent sales are all from this first week in January of 2024. They have been acquired with heart and much consideration. I know there are others of you who have a painting on your wish list for this coming year and I look forward to many more conversations to assist you in those choices or simply to celebrate with you when you have made your final decision. However, for now, let’s see what has already sold this year!
“Sun is Up” is a new work that sold while it was still drying on the easel in the studio.

The art collectors are paid subscribers to “Terrill Welch by herself” and as such they are most often able to view and purchase new work before it has been publicly released. If you would also like this preferred access, you can upgrade your newsletter subscription at any time.
This next sold artwork is a winter snow painting. It had been on a trial hang to the art collectors’ home a few years ago, along with a several other works, and wasn’t selected at that time. However, the painting was not forgotten. It has now returned to proudly hang on their wall in its new forever home.

A digital room view really helps to be able to appreciate the size of this long narrow painting.

The final painting that has recently sold is a newer work and has captured all the warmth of summer. It had been showing in the current “Thriving in Place” exhibition in the gallery pod.

As always, I am deeply appreciative and thankful to those who bring my paintings home to be part of their lives and take on the stewardship of their care.
Three new paintings have already been released for 2024. Of these, one “Sun is Up” has sold and it has been shared above. The largest work will stay in the family and is not (and possibly will never) be for sale. This is a painting of two of my grandsons.

However, there are still eight available of the ten new works released since the previous October quarterly issue of “A Brush with Life” was published. I hope you enjoy taking a closer look at those that interest you by clicking on the direct links for each painting below…

Every once in a long while I still do a video documenting the process for a painting. Here is the latest in case you want to take a look (12 minutes in length)…
With the beginning of a new year, I feel such unbridled optimism and the possibilities seem limitless! I wish you all the very best 2024 with whatever it is you wish to accomplish.

“Let the beauty we love be what we do.
There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground.” ~ Rumi
Extra special thanks to all of our gallery visitors online and in person. Double extra thanks to our art collectors, serious fans and specifically to you, our newsletter subscribers! This artist living and working in the woods on a small rural island on the southwest coast of Canada with a wee art gallery is forever grateful for your ongoing support and patronage.
I trust you are enjoying the new Just Art Calendar 2024 with an image of a painting in your inbox on the 1st day of each month. The coming year will also include ongoing snows in the Terrill Welch Gallery Pod, open daily between 11-4 at 428 Luff Rd on Mayne Island or 24/7 in our online gallery.

I will shortly be starting the second part of the Canadian Landscape Painting course with Neil McClelland online through Vancouver Island School of Art. Later in the year, I am exploring taking on other learning opportunities as well. These are not finalized yet. We shall have to wait and see.
What about you? What is on your own list of desires and possibilities for the year ahead? I would love to hear and you can either leave a comment or write to me privately at tawelch@shaw.ca if you wish.
Happy New Year!
Terrill 👩🎨🎨❤️
P.s. If you would like to email me directly at anytime, please feel free and reach out to tawelch@shaw.ca as I am always pleased to hear from you.
P.s.s. There is a price increase coming on all available paintings. I expect to begin making these price changes this Sunday, January 7th. If you have something on your immediate wish list, I suggest that you make a purchase inquiry before midnight PST.

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