A Brush with Life - Issue #131 New Online Portfolio Collections

As I write, a summer breeze drifts through our open windows as early morning sun drapes itself across the valley and freshly cut fields. I am going to be creative as to what to share with you for this issue because we have been in contact so much recently with the Special Offer happening until Monday, July 8, 2024. Yes, there is only four days left to take advantage of my special savings offer. Therefore, if you have opened and read the past few emails, most of you will have all seen the recent new releases. What has sold so far since the last issue, beyond a small work in late April, are medium and large commissions that have yet to be painted. So not much new there yet. Still, nine paintings sold since the beginning of the year, with a few of these being nice and large, is more than enough for now. With this in mind, I am thinking that the most useful information I can offer today is a deep dive into the online collections. With so many paintings visible in a range of sizes and subjects, sorting them by “available” only might not be enough. Let’s see if we can address this for you.
If you are on a tablet or computer, the portfolio option is the main view and on the left you should be able to see the various views listed starting with “Portfolio” then “About” and “Collections” below this. If you are viewing on your phone then you will want to click on the bars on the top left and it will show you the same thing in a drop-down window. If you click on “Collections” there are several to view and they are listed in alphabetical order. Let’s break it down into which collections are brand new and which collections are more established and have a narrow subject matter that might be of particular interest to you. Each “Collection” has a general description that tells us what to expect in that collection.
I was recently asked by an art collector if I could share all my small paintings together so it would be easier to decide between paintings that will fit into a smaller spaces. The collection of small “Quick Acrylic Painting Sketches” has been available for years but there wasn’t one for ”Small Oil Paintings”. However, there is now! This new collection is sorted by size and paintings have various subjects.

Second, we have a collection for my new macro landscapes paintings of the sea floor and seashells. There are currently four new paintings in this brand new collection and I anticipate more will be added over the next year.

Even the edges are now painted on the large work. Ta-da!

From here it is easy to imagine it on a wall in the company of another painting from this year.

Finally, the final newest collection “Summer of Flowers” only has one new painting so far. That said, I anticipate there will be between 5 - 12 in this collection by the end of September. So this is a collection you will want to check out ongoing over the next few months if you enjoy still life paintings.

And just to give you a glimpse of what more to expect, here is the second still life painting that will be added to this collection July 26th after first being offered to “Terrill Welch by herself” paid subscribers.

The other collections are loosely organized by special interest. I often use these when someone comes to me and says, I really like your oceans or arbutus trees or do you have any paintings from Edith Point and more…
Let’s start with the most requested subject selection of all times - arbutus trees!

Of course there must also be a collection for Salish Sea paintings…

In addition, there are collections for Red Line Series, Mayne Island Memorial Japanese Garden, Mayne Island Nature Park Paintings, and specific geographic areas paintings. I am not going to list each of these collections as it is something you will now be easily able to find on your own. However, there is a collection for Europe paintings, East Coast paintings and so on. I think you get the idea.
I am in a good place to lighten up and enjoy my semi-retirement lifestyle for the summer and fall. There are currently 22 paintings completed with the commissions still to be done. With the still life paintings still in process and a few more relief paintings and a midden painting and a sunrise painting also in the works, no new inspiration is needed to take me to the end of 2024. There are paints, canvas and fine linen panels on birch wood stacked, stored and prepared in the studio. As long as the universe allows, I do not need to wonder what I will be doing.
I plan on having a summer of poking around on the beaches…

I will be collecting inspiration for my macro landscape series of the sea floor.

That seems to have endless variations.

The possible compositions are inspiring and satisfying to consider.

Of course, even with a light summer workload, my brushes are never far away.

I will also be tending my tiny raised garden beds and flower baskets…

I will continue to prepare fragrant and selectively spiced meals for our enjoyment…

Finally, I will be visiting with you should you drop by the Terrill Welch Galley Pod or send me a note.
And just so you know, here is what is currently showing in the Gallery Pod…

David and I are going to take a home vacation for two weeks starting in mid July where I have booked the time completely off from work except for the still life painting and opening the gallery pod. After our vacation time, I will start on the commissions. Then I will see what holds the most energy and begin those paintings. My hope is to go to visit my parents in fall for a week while David’s eldest son comes to stay with him and together they will keep the gallery pod open during this time.
I do have some ideas for going forward after the fall but it is too early to talk about them yet as the plans are just tentative at the moment. More about how this shakes out when I write again in October.
I wish you all the very best of the summer and a pleasant early fall! May you have time to hike a few nature trails, catch a sunrise over a body of water, read a good book, snuggle with someone special to you, laugh with family and friends, go to an art museum, seek out open studios in far flung places and maybe, just maybe add a piece or three of original artwork from a living artist to your art collection.
May your summer be filled with abundance and adventure! Cheers!

Warm regards as always,
Terrill 👩🏻🎨🎨❤️
P.s. If you would like to comment on this issue and share your own thoughts you are more than welcome. Also, feel free to email me directly at anytime and reach out to tawelch@shaw.ca as I am always pleased to hear from you.
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