A Brush with Life - Issue #131 New Online Portfolio Collections
With so many paintings visible in a range of sizes and subjects, sorting them by “available” only might not be enough. Let’s see if we can address this for you.
Terrill Welch by herself - issue #19 Interconnectedness
This month has been a time of deep inward focus with my brushes being my outward connection and my translator as I explore peace through nature.
Terrill Welch by herself - issue #18 Wild Flowers Hikes, Small Paintings, High Tea and Northern Lights
By the time we were done, we had covered 7.8 km of uneven hilly terrain at the pace of a photographer- slow! I kept stopping to take photos and Josie kept saying- mom, we are not there yet!
Terrill Welch by herself - issue #17 The Act of Instilling Peace Through Nature
In this way we shall still the madness around us with beauty and love - even if only momentarily. Together. Me, in the act of painting. You, in the act of viewing of these paintings.
A Brush with Life - Issue #130 Pockets of Silence
Are you wondering where I found those pockets of silence I keep talking about? I can appreciate that it doesn’t really seem plausible. However, the truth is that silent contemplation is often followed by high levels of creativity and energy.
We do not have to be rich to purchase original art. It is possible to go beyond just what we
Terrill Welch by herself - issue #16 Absorbing Influences
Recent weeks have been punctuated by unsettled weather with heavy rain mixed with hail and gusts of winds that reveal splashes of sunshine as the clouds gallop across the sky. I haven’t been out on the trails as much as usual, preferring to be tucked in painting in the studio.
Terrill Welch by herself - issue #15 Sea and Seals and Evening with Tree of Life Paintings
Every once in a long while something comes crashing into my painting practice and creates a disruption. Such is the approach to this latest painting. Due to its significance and possibly lasting impact, let’s take one of our long reviews of the process.
Terrill Welch by herself - issue #14 Short Reprieve, Rest and Cold Snap
When it comes to painting, sometimes getting the feeling and energy right is far more powerful than rendering our subject visually perfect down to the last blade of grass.
A Brush with Life - Issue #129 Art Collectors: Who Are We?
If you have purchased more than two original artworks recently without knowing where you are going to hang them, you are susceptible to becoming an art collector. However, there still might be hope that you can avoid a full blown obsession.