A Brush with Life - Issue #120 Gift of Our Best Selves

Alert! Included in this final 2022 issue is a time limited special offer for A Brush with Life subscribers to a paid subscription to Terrill Welch by herself. Details and purchase link are included below. If you have enjoyed the last four years of our FREE "A Brush with Life" offering (which we will continue publishing FREE on the first Friday if each month), you may want to read further about this new paid subscription offer for Terrill Welch by herself ...
If you already know this is for you, here is the Quick Link to our BEST annual savings and time limited special offer to Terrill Welch by herself for current free subscribers:
[UPDATE: Our BEST offer expired at midnight December 2022 PST. Read our next issue for our introductory offer that is available until March 2023. Thank you for your interest and to those that have already purchased their paid subscription]
This being our final issue of A Brush with Life for 2022, it is a rather reflective offering. We have a new show at ISLAND TIME ART and a couple of new paintings yet to be released. Plus, we have a story - Gift of our Best Selves. In addition, we are ready to present our new paid subscription offer. There is a quick link above and further on, a full outline of our proposal. Then it is time to gently close the door on this year and wish us all the best in 2023.
First, let's take a moment for some winter gratitude during a week of being snowed in here on Mayne Island.
This past Wednesday I woke to sunshine on the 14 inches of snow from the day before.

As beautiful as it is, I am doing my level best to find my sense of humour after glancing down Luff Road to find that the plow truck had not plowed the public road that ends with that tree on road edge at the right.

I went back in, finished my coffee had a shower and pulled on a sweater, vest and mitts before going to see if I could figure out what was going on. Not only did the public work's contractor not plowed Luff Rd, they had also not plowed the upper end of Bowsprite Crescent. Nor had they plowed all the way up to the top end of Wooddale Drive above. Even if I shovel the snow pushed across Luff Rd., there was no way I was getting the car out anytime soon unless it was plowed.
This was rather confusing and unexpected because generally, over the past 15 years we have had reasonable to excellent road services. This has never happened before. I mused just below fuming with frastration for a few minutes while putting my personal recipe sample for "Snowed In Shortbread" in the cookie jar.

We were good for groceries thankfully, though we would run out of eggs and milk in a couple more days. The thing was we were suppose to leave for Christmas Friday morning to travel to Duncan. If we didn't get plowed out, this was not likely to happen. I looked at our one lone decoration. But the Christmas Bear seemed to be content in his silence right where he was.

Then a good friend, neighbour and fellow artist sent me a message. Their chickens were laying again and she had extra milk because some of her family was now not going to be able come over for the holidays.
Did I want a couple dozen eggs and some milk?
I did.
We made plans to meet up on the old road going through the park. She was going to bring the dogs and another friend was coming along with his dogs. I headed out. The snow was up to my knees on the road in the open. As I got to the top of the hill at Wooddale Drive another friend was outside putting more food in her bird feeders. She decided to walk part way on the trail with me. We commiserated and laughed and enjoyed the sun through the trees that was still holding up most of the snow so that it was only about six inches deep in places. We could see where the deer had been ambling along making tracks at their leisure.

My walking friend turned back with both of us smiling and feeling much better for the visit and time in the forest. Shortly after this, I meet my other two friends with their dogs and the eggs and milk. We chatted and admired the snow falling from the trees for a couple of minutes. Then I started back home with one quick stop beside a favourite Maple tree.

It was Winter Solstice and what a beautiful tree to celebrate the shortest day of the year with! By the time I get back home I am tired but also resigned and grateful. We might miss Christmas with our family but we were warm and cozy with all our immediate needs met. This is winter snowed in gratitude at its best.
Heads Up: this next section outlines my paid subscription option. It is a great offer that includes a 65% premium subscription savings forever. However, if you are already sure this is NOT for you, scroll down to our new ISLAND TIME ART show "WINTER INTRIGUE" and continue reading and exploring other sections of the newsletter.
After much musing and mulling over, I have decided to keep "A Brush with Life" as our FREE option and publish it on the first Friday of every month. AND you are already subscribed and need to nothing more.
This FREE option includes - Direct, curated and personal insights into my new shows, links to private viewing rooms, new releases, notices about what has sold and a glimpse into work-in-progress.
You will have access to all public post and receive an email when new public content is published on the first Friday of every month.
Now for the new PAID subscription to Terrill Welch by herself!
You will receive full access to premium content published on the 3rd Friday of every month.
You will receive musings, opinion pieces, reference gathering hikes and travel updates, plus behind the scene art studio work-in-progress explorations.
This is where you will learn what I am thinking about, reading, watching, learning, writing and a first glimpse into a new idea or a the development of a new series of paintings.
You will gain access to an intimate connection with what I celebrate and the challenges I face as a painter exposing extraordinary moments within an ordinary day. Basically the paid subscriptions is where you will find the stories about my life and work.
The regular price for the Terrill Welch by herself subscription is $6.00 CAD per month or $36 CAD annually (a savings of 50%).
However, an introductory offer will be available in our next "A Brush with Life" issue on January 6, 2023 of $3.00 CAD per month or $18 CAD annually. This introductory offer will remain available until the second Friday in March 2023. You need to do nothing at this time except contemplate. I will present this offer with a purchase link in our next FREE "A Brush with Life" issue on January 6, 2023.
Now for our very BEST offer that is available to current "A Brush with Life" newsletter subscribers. If you purchase a subscription to Terrill Welch by herself BEFORE the end of December 2022, there is a special early subscriber. Yes, this best offer is only available for the next 8 days! The first issue of Terrill Welch by herself will be published on January 20, 2023. However, a bonus issue is available for your reading pleasure right now!
With an annual paid subscription, with access to all premium content, I will offer you excellent value by sharing my ongoing artist's experience, stories and musings while living and working on a small island on the southwest coast of Canada. In addition, you will be contributing to the ongoing work of this living artist who, as always, deeply appreciates your patronage and support. Go ahead. Take a chance! Purchase your subscription now. Here is the special early subscriber annual subscription purchase link...
[UPDATE: Our BEST offer expired at midnight December 2022 PST. Read our next issue for our introductory offer that is available until March 2023. Thank you for your interest and to those that have already purchased their paid subscription]
Pheewwwf! That is now done! 😉 I am not particulary fond of time limited special offers. That said, it was the only way to get you, as dedicate serious fan and art collectors, the very best annual subscription 65% savings offer forever. Thank you for staying with me while I presented everything. Now for other gallery and painting news...

From 10 - 5 Thursday to Monday, December 15, 2022 to February 6, 2023 the ISLAND TIME ART room at 492 Dalton Rd. on Mayne Island will present “Winter Intrigue” with soft and bright original paintings of various sizes by Jody Waldie, Jennifer Peers, Glenda King, Maeva Lightheart and Terrill Welch. These artworks can also be purchased online in our private viewing room.

Each show is carefully selected and curated by artist and gallery owner Terrill Welch for consideration by the gallery’s local and international art collectors.

View this complete show online until February 6th, 2023 by clicking any of the three images above or the link below to reach our private viewing room at:

More fully developed background stories for each if these paintings are available in the bonus issue for the paid subscription of Terrill Welch by herself. However, I wanted to provide you with a glimpse here to the completed work that is yet to be released.
Here we have "Arbutus Glowing After the Rains” by Terrill Welch, 14 x 11 inch walnut oil on birch board.

And "Sandstone Serpents at the Entrance to Active Pass" by Terrill Welch 8 x 10 inch acrylic and pencil crayon on gessobord.

Note: An early private viewing room and purchase link for each of these two paintings will be provided for paid subscribers to Terrill Welch by herself ahead of a public release in our Janaury 6, 2023 "A Brush with Life" free issue.
I admit that it might to take a few issues to unstitch what was one publication into two. Still, I believe it will work and each will have their own focus as well as individual and shared audiences. I am excited to be able to offer more time to writing and musing than has been possible in the past. Now for a short story...
What would it be like if we each dressed for all occasions during this holiday season in our best selves? Think of glowing generous smiles! I can just image curious conversations of enquiry and sparkling eyes as we listen, really listen to each other. This question came to me as I drove home from such an occasion the other evening.
I had made cookies that afternoon and wanted to deliver them fresh along with another small gift to dear friends of more than a decade and a half. When I called they were on a ferry home after a grueling day ensuring the peaceful final resting of someone very close to them who had passed away suddenly. Their response was warm and enthusiastic. Please come! We will be home in an hour. So I did.
When I arrived they were both visibly shaken, weary and grey with grief and fatigue. At first, I was wondering if I had made a mistake by coming. However, I was here and a small sip (the size was my request) of wine had been poured. I took a deep inward breath and released it with an open heart and ears. I let them lead our conversation which, no matter the circumstances, is always engaging. The topics wove through their recent loss, past memories celebrating that life and on to asking me questions and talking about art, dignity and other rich topics we often enjoy. After about an hour, I took my leave with long hugs while noticing that the colour had returned to their faces. Though there would still be some tough moments ahead, I could sense that they were fortified with love for the evening. What was the secret? Listening! I listened and they listened. It is the kind listening that does not seek answers. It is the kind of listening that has no expectations. It is the kind of listening that cradles our deepest love. It is the kind of listening that fortifies our best selves.
This is all I want for the holidays. I want you to experience at least a smidgen of both giving and receiving deep listening, without expection or attempting to find resolution, as you dress for all occasions this season in your best self.
Well it is time! Happy Solstice! Season Greetings! Best of the Holidays! Happy New Year! In reflecting over the past year, you have all certainly been excellent company. As far as grand adventures go, it has been a good one. Thank you for your patronage, support and confidence in my ability to navigate us through to new physical space with the gallery pod and a new newsletter platform. My deepest appreciation to the artists who have trusted me to continue show their paintings to you along with my own. This past year didn't see nearly as many paintings finding homes of their own as last year. But there were enough going out the gallery to keep us going and all is good. I hope your own life is feeling the same and there is enough. May the year ahead be filled with good health, loving family, great friends and curiosity.
Terrill :) ❤🎨
Please feel free anytime to either leaving a comment or writing to me privately via email at tawelch@shaw.ca as you wish.

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