
Terrill Welch by herself - Issue #2 The Coziest of Cozy Season

Terrill Welch by herself - Issue #2 The Coziest of Cozy Season

There is a false sense that everyone is gone. This untruth seems to prevail only because the majority of people leave the island to the seals and otters during January and the first half of February. This climate is warm in the winter by Canadian standards. Cold is not the issue…
17 min read
A Brush with Life - Issue #121 Best of 2022 and Hello 2023

A Brush with Life - Issue #121 Best of 2022 and Hello 2023

What was that!? This is how I think of 2022. Continued monitoring and masking coupled with a new war and global financial uncertainty. However, here I am sprinting into 2023 with hardly a backward glance…
8 min read
A Brush with Life - Issue #120 Gift of Our Best Selves

A Brush with Life - Issue #120 Gift of Our Best Selves

Alert! Included in this final 2022 issue is a time limited special offer for A Brush with Life subscribers to
10 min read
Terrill Welch by herself - Issue #1 Before the Beginning

Terrill Welch by herself - Issue #1 Before the Beginning

Sometimes a new beginning is more like a middle or it might even possibly be near the end. We never really know do we?
19 min read
A Brush with Life- issue #119 Cozy Season with Sold Paintings

A Brush with Life- issue #119 Cozy Season with Sold Paintings

The last few days have been draped in lazily drifting snowflakes broken up with warm winter sun edged by a
10 min read
A Brush with Life - Issue #118 We Have Successfully Migrated

A Brush with Life - Issue #118 We Have Successfully Migrated

With the ease of a flock of Canadian geese heading south, our "A Brush with Life" newsletter has
11 min read
A Brush with Life - Issue #117 Change is Always in the Wind

A Brush with Life - Issue #117 Change is Always in the Wind

Today, I could use several carbon copies of me to implement online changes that hopeful will be seamless for our “A Brush With Life” newsletter. The short version is that the platform (Revue) that hosts “A Brush With Life” is suppose to become nonexistent by the end of the year. I have been monitori
9 min read
When it Rains in Winter

When it Rains in Winter

Allow me to offer a snippet of what is to come with a paid subscription to Terrill Welch by herself.
3 min read
A Brush with Life - Issue #116 Finding Small Beauties while at the Easel

A Brush with Life - Issue #116 Finding Small Beauties while at the Easel

There is the smell of snow in the mountains around us as daily highs drop to 11 degrees or so Celsius and water barrels refill after more than 100 days without rain and unseasonably warm temperatures. Blustery winds hint at future winter stores and leaves and tree cones fly through the air. The shif
9 min read
A Brush with Life - Issue #115 Red Line Series Featured in New Show

A Brush with Life - Issue #115 Red Line Series Featured in New Show

Sea levels rise, damage from storm surges increase, wild fire smoke gives us deep orange moonrises, glaciers in the mountains melt endangering our freshwater supply and we are running out of suitable sand to make cement as we mine the landscape relentlessly for its resources. I could paint stunning
11 min read