A Brush with Life - Issue #114 More Sunshine During a Volatile Time

There must be a special word for being able to acknowledge more than one observation at the same time but I do not know what it is. I do know that I only need to acknowledge, to notice, and then allow things to make sense on their own schedule. This past two weeks has been glorious on the southwest coast of Canada with extended warm weather through to the end of September. At the same time, it is extremely dry and it is the fifth year of drought conditions in a row. Our big trees are ready for a solid week of slow steady rain. Globally, ever front is appearing fairly grim. I refuse to dwell on it but it can’t be ignored completely either. I choose to notice… just notice and let the situation go while placing a brush in my hand or focusing my camera lens on compositions that still and calm my spirit. This is my priority for the moment. Just these three things - notice, observe and let go. So let’s see where my attention has taken us…

Painting Edges
Did you guess that painting edges is what I would be doing with all that sunshine we have been having? I sure didn’t. I did manage some hikes and long strolls. But getting the edges painted is what held my attention. There is more about both in the two separate blog post links below.

Warm Sun with Cool Shadows | Creative Potager
I have my sweater tide around my waist and my cheeks are facing the later morning sun. But there is no mistaking that it is fall. A cool breeze drifts gently through the trees and tickles up the length of my spine. *Please note: Reader warning about challenging material and painting reference sketch for possibly…

Early Autumn in the Japanese Garden | Creative Potager
Sunshine and cooler temperatures are the perfect time for drifting between productive activity and leisurely strolls. I have sorted, cleaned and reclaimed my office space in the loft. I find it so refreshing to have it “in hand” so to speak. Now it is time to go for that stroll. I go off into the gorgeous…
If you take the time to read both of these posts all the way to end, it is possible to notice how our Mayne Island landscape and world circumstances seem to rub up against each other in my daily life. Do you happen to be experiencing something similar where you are?
Featuring Artist Jody Waldie
I have found a new streamlined way to give us a chance to focus on each of the artists who have paintings showing in both locations with the Terrill Welch Gallery. We are going to give this idea a try and see how it works for us all. Below is a special post on the website featuring the work the gallery is currently showing by Jody Waldie. I hope you enjoy the spotlight feature on her and her paintings.

Terrill Welch Gallery Spotlight on artist Jody Waldie
Jody Waldie has a wide range of subjects rendered mostly in oils on her canvases. There is something about standing in front of one of her works that tells you that each brushstroke has been thoughtfully considered and then applied freely without constraint. I have had the pleasure of seeing her develop an artwork from…
Room View from an Art Collector
This week I received a photograph from one of our art collectors who has recently moved. I love the care she has shown in finding the best way to hang her two original Terrill Welch paintings to best enhance her daily enjoyment of them. Now isn’t this lovely!?

I get such a warm heart when I see paintings doing their job so well and knowing that they are deeply appreciated. I have heard from a few art collectors who say they regularly move their paintings around to different locations and rooms. This practice offers a fresh opportunity to appreciate the work in new ways. I do it in our house as well but for a different reason. I don’t want my paintings getting so comfortable that they don’t want to leave home. I always tell them “this is just for now.” Sometimes the listen. 😉
View Current Shows Online
Here are two quick links to an online private viewing room and a collection that allows you to view current paintings that are showing in the Terrill Welch Gallery Spaces.
If, you choose to view both I would love to get your feedback on which format you prefer: A) The Private Viewing Room format or

Terrill Welch Gallery Pod from Terrill Welch
A private room from Terrill Welch
B) The Collection

Art by Terrill Welch | Artwork Archive
View the full portfolio of artwork from Terrill Welch
Either format is about the same amount of work for me and they function much the same way but there are differences. . If you have a preference please let me to know. 😊
What I Am Reading
I have chose to read THE STRANGER by Albert Camus, first published in 1942 and translated from French by Stuart Gilbert in 1946.
I chose this novella because of a long quote that will likely be familiar to most, even if you also have yet read to the novella. It goes like this:
“In the midst of hate, I found there was, within me, an invincible love.
In the midst of tears, I found there was, within me, an invincible smile.
In the midst of chaos, I found there was, within me, an invincible calm.
I realized, through it all, that…
In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer.
And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger – something better, pushing right back.”
I have decided that such a quote must be part of something worth reading. I make no apologies for this small book just now coming to the top of my reading list. I have learned that this is my way, my favourite way, of choosing to read most anything - a quote, an excerpt or a good review. If you are unfamiliar with this classic book, the best place to start might be its Wikipedia page and the Kindle version is available for a token amount which tells me there is likely a free online library copy somewhere.
ALBERT CAMUS was born in Mondovi, Algeria, in 1913. After winning a degree in philosophy, he worked at various jobs, ending up in journalism. In the thirties he ran a theatrical company, and during the war was active in the French Resistance, editing an important underground paper, Combat. Among his major works are four widely praised works of fiction, The Stranger (1946), The Plague (1948), The Fall (1957), and Exile and the Kingdom (1958); a volume of plays, Caligula and Three Other Plays (1958); and two books of philosophical essays, The Rebel (1954) and The Myth of Sisyphus (1955), both of which are available in the Vintage series. Albert Camus was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1957. He was killed in an automobile accident on January 4, 1960. (Excerpt from the front of the book)
What is on the Easel
There is a work-in-progress resting on my easel. I am still puzzling over this work as it is another unusual red line painting.However, this one that began with a rather random coloured paper collage. We shall see.
Fire Moonrise “resting” by Terrill Welch, 20 x 16 inch oil on canvas.

Artist notes: I tore random piece of coloured construction paper, laid them down in a pleasing pattern, Somehow, I found my way back to a summer moonrise when the skies were smoke-filtered from wildfires. I thought about the melting arctic ice in dark of the moonrise while the sea swallowed the moon’s reflection. Nothing is really as it should be. But here we are.
I place the painting in a room view in order to gain some distance and perspective…

We shall leaving it resting for just a while longer I think.
Until Next Time

I do hope you are enjoying this new newsletter format which allows you to read the longer posts of your choice through the links provided. I am finding it works rather well for me and is indeed freeing up more time away from the screen…. not as much as I would like yet but I feel I am headed in the right direction.
Warm wishes and all the best for the first two weeks of October ahead of us!
Terrill 👩🎨❤️🎨

Canadian Contemporary Terrill Welch Gallery, West Coast Landscape Paintings
An Art Gallery in the middle of everywhere.... Do sign up for our newsletter and visit our online gallery of Terrill Welch’s Paintings. PLEASE NOTE: We have physically moved and now have three visiting opportunities in two locations… ISLAND TIME ART - 492 Dalton Drive. Open the same hours as Dragonfly Gallery, 10-5 Wednesday through…
Member discussion