A Brush with Life - Issue #22 Magic in Ordinary Moments

Dazzling in the midday brilliance or softly soaking up the dusk, spring light, with its length stretching longer into the evening due to the time change, feels like survival and jubilation. I just want to hug friends and even stranger, then hold them out at arms length, look them in the eye while grinning and cackling - we did it! Another winter is behind us!
As we told the grandson’s, there are tree nymphs dancing in the treetops singing “hallelujah” in their high-pitched singsong voices. The children have their shoes and socks off while they float driftwood into the sea. There is a fire in the outdoor fireplace and a bag of marshmallows to go with it. Spring!
And I am painting and finding homes for paintings and finding myself juried into a Spring Equinox Show far on the other side of North America in New York City.
Such is the life of an artist on a small island off the southwest coast of British Columbia, Canada.
Before we begin, welcome to the handful of new newsletter subscribers who dropped into the gallery’s winter studio recently. A pleasure to have you join us!
Magical Light

I was sitting in at the table and looked up just in time to grab the last light of the day in the kitchen window. The magic in small ordinary moments! A painting reference? Maybe, though,sometimes just the moment is enough.
Hanging a Painting ...

Choosing the right space for a painting is always an interesting challenge. I had the opportunity to exercise my “visiting rights” of a large work in an art collector’s home recently. This painting is across from an open staircase and allows the viewer to see it easily at various heights from up and down the stairs as well from various locations in the open plan room. The ability to basically shift the viewers perspective from sitting to standing, depending on where they are on the stairs works extremely well.
Have you ever considered how art work in your rooms will be mostly be viewed?
Will people be transitioning from one room to another?
Will they often be sitting on chairs or sofas?
Is it a standing working area or an entrance?
Does the work require a brief glance to “get it” or does it require time to study and contemplate?
What is the work’s purpose in the room?
Does the work calm or energize?
Is the art of significance by itself or has it been paired to support other decorative aspects of a room? Or both?
Just a few quick thoughts to bring to your art collecting mindset when choosing where to hang a painting. Maybe these questions will lead to a whole shift of the art in your home or office? A fresh review of the work possibly?
I am happy to assist with hanging and arranging art if and when I can. Sometimes in challenging spaces, I even bring paintings to homes for a “trial hang” or if a collector is just not quite sure how a painting is going to work. Of course, I generally try to avoid this option if plane tickets are involve. But the new augmented reality tool I mentioned last issue might be of assistance in these situations as well. Something to keep in mind.
Note: normally we don’t want to hang an original painting above a fireplace. In this case the fireplace is highly functional and as well as seldom used, leaving the painting at minimal risk of damage.
The Terrill Welch Gallery congratulates the art collector who added this large contemporary Canadian landscape oil painting to their collection over the past couple of weeks.
The small study for this larger work refused to be left behind! So the two works will remain together in the same art collection.
Notes from the painter:
“A place where sea, shore, trees and home rest in harmony at the entrance to Active Pass on Mayne Island in British Columbia. There is just the right combination of resolve, peace, strength and resiliency present to fortify ones dignity and respect. It is a place where one's inner and outer worlds seem seamless and glorious.”

When you least expect it...
I was just minding my own business, waiting for someone, when the earth symbolically leapt up and slapped a wet kiss right on my lips. So beautiful! Sometimes our west coast landscape is like this. You have to be careful or you will fall into a romantic swoon and forget about wild, winter, wind storms and the occasional snowfall. 😉
A painting reference? Possibly. We shall see.

New Work Resting
I have several paintings ready to release but I need a few spare minutes to get them into the inventory. Hopefully, next issue we shall have a few more added to the online gallery for your viewing pleasure. But for now, here is what is “resting” on my easel...
The morning has slipped away as I finished reading The Heaviness of Things That Float by Jennifer Manuel. Here is a passage from close to end of her book that has me thinking about this new painting:
In the woods and in the water, all these seeds had grown together into a matrix of roots and stems and leaves, sometimes becoming so entangled that I could not easily unravel their tendrils, wound together yet profoundly separate. But when I’d paid attention—really paid attention, with my eyes and my ears and whatever other senses I had at my disposal—I had been given the chance to say, if only for a fleeting moment, I see you, I truly see you now.

New York, New York...
What can I say?... as I make three copies of everything for the International Customs declarations. Since the painting is jury selected for this show, I think we will have to do our best to get the work there, even though it means a trip to Victoria B.C. for Fedex shipping. It should be, with a bit of luck, at the New York City Gallery, in preparation for the show, today!

Equinox Exhibition, New York
April 4 through April 26 2019
If you happen to be in the area or have friends who might be interested the NYA Gallery in TriBeCa is open 12 - 5 pm everyday at:
7 Franklin place, New York, NY 10013
Also the Opening is April 4th from 6-9 pm and I will provide the link for tickets below....
1st Thursdays Art Walk for Spring "Equinox" April 4 2019 (6-9pm) Tickets, Thu, Apr 4, 2019 at 6:00 PM | Eventbrite
Eventbrite - NYA gallery | NewYorkART.com presents 1st Thursdays Art Walk for Spring "Equinox" April 4 2019 (6-9pm) - Thursday, April 4, 2019 at NYA gallery | newyorkart.com, New York, NY. Find event and ticket information.
Just to add to the fun, there is also a “sister painting” to this one which is available for viewing by appoint at the Terrill Welch Gallery’s winter studio during the same time as the Spring Equinox show at the NYA Gallery.

A coast to North American coast, reaching between two neighboring countries with two Terrill Welch paintings seems like a perfect way to start the Terrill Welch Gallery Spring season to me! What do you think?
For convenience (and ease of sharing about this exhibition), you may prefer to use the gallery’s website blogpost. Either sharing this whole newsletter or just the website link will work. I just thought you might like the choice...
New York New York Juried Exhibition Terrill Welch Painting | Canadian Contemporary Artist Terrill Welch
What can we say?... as we make three copies of everything for the International Customs declarations. Since the painting is jury selected for this show, we think we will just have to do our best to get the work there, even though it means a trip to Victoria B.C. for Fedex shipping. It should be,…
Happy Spring!

Next issue, besides some new painting releases, I will also share one and possibly two small works that art collectors have had framed. It is a gentle reminder that small paintings can have large and significant impacts. Until then! :)
Canadian Contemporary Artist Terrill Welch | Landscapes and more by impressionist painter Terrill Welch
Landscapes and more by impressionist painter Terrill Welch
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