A Brush with Life - Issue #30 Earth Sea and Sky Opens
Twelve of the eighteen paintings in the Art of Terrill Welch Gallery’s hottest show of the season were completed since the beginning of 2019. (There has been 21 new works completed and released since January 1st but who is counting? ;) Earth, Sea and Sky is a solo show that is about exactly what the title describes. It is a theme that has a deep rich vein of consistency in my work and one I am not finished with just yet! The solo exhibition runs from today, July 12th, to September 1st. Two works in this show, including the “poster painting” have sold in pre-sales. My heartfelt thanks to the art collectors who have graciously allowed them to be shown for the opening weekend. I have been releasing paintings for the past two weeks in advance of the show and will share a few of these with you in this issue. But first, we have some business to take care of - two special DRAWS for newsletter subscribers!
DRAW # 1
Your support and patronage is amazing! I am having the best year so far since I became a full-time artist nine years ago and this August is the second anniversary of the Art of Terrill Welch Gallery. Only a little research will tell us that I have chosen one of the toughest fields to succeed in and one of the most difficult routes, as an independent artist, to do it. Yet, with your support here we are! So I have decided to do a DRAW for one of my favourite plein air painting sketches of Reef Bay.

Reef Bay Moment by Moment by Terrill Welch | Artwork Archive
Note: There will be a draw for this work for people who have signed up for the Art of Terrill Welch Gallery newsletter - A Brush With Life before August 20,...
The rules are:
- To be included in the draw, you must have subscribed to the A Brush With Life newsletter before midnight PST on August 20, 2019.
- Also, you must have opened at least one of the newsletters you have received before the DRAW is made at the close of the current show on September 1st. Note: Because the newsletter goes out in bulk to all subscribers from the Revue platform, this may mean looking in your junk, promotions or even spam tab/folder to find the newsletter. From there, you can whitelist the newsletters to your main inbox. The process is slightly different for various email providers so do what works for yours. Signing up for a newsletter you never receive is just cyber clutter for both of us - and that will never do! 😉 After 5 unopened issues, subscribers are unsubscribed as a matter of good practice.
- Shipping is include for North America for the DRAW winner. For a winner further away, we can be discussed shipping once the cost is determined.
- Any duty that is applied is the responsibility of the receiver.
- If you have not claimed your paint DRAW win after 30 days, it will be forfeited and another name will be drawn.
This one is a little trickier. The draw is for new subscribers from today, July 12th, forward. The winning new subscriber will receive a 30% collector savings on any original painting they purchase between September 1, 2019 and November 30, 2019 AND (tricky part) this same offer is extended to the person who referred and suggested the new subscriber might like to subscribe to the A Brush With Life newsletter. Yes, you read that correctly, you want someone you refer to be the winning new subscriber to also receive the 30% collector savings as described above. How do you do this for the best results? Forward this latest A Brush With Life newsletter email (and the following issues up to the time of the DRAW) to individuals or small groups of people telling them why you enjoy your subscription and only secondly about the draw. This is a fairly big ask and so it is also a fairly big win because I rarely offer more than a 10% collector savings even to established collectors of my work. So DRAW #2, even if slightly tricky to follow, is a bit of a big deal, at least to me anyway.
The Rules are:
- The 30% collector savings is calculated on the list price of your purchase before taxes and shipping (if these applies).
- This winning or referring DRAW #2 collector savings applies only to Terrill Welch original paintings or painting sketches purchased before November 30, 2019.
- If you are the winner (either a new subscriber or the subscriber who made the referral) and have made a purchase of an original work between now, July 12th, and September 1st, 2019 then the 30% collector savings can be applied to your next purchase with no time limit.
- If I am the person who made the referral to the winning subscriber, then there will be an additional draw that will include all newsletter subscribers who have opened at least one newsletter since July 12th for the additional 30% collector savings on an original work purchased before November 30, 2019. So either way, some subscriber will get the second 30% savings.
Bottom line - your best chances to win this 30% collectors savings is to refer like crazy! Just do it and then be surprised if you win. And tell them to remember it was you who suggested they might enjoy the newsletter.
The purpose of these two draws is to grow the Art of Terrill Welch Gallery’s reach and to have some fun at the same time. It is also a way to recognize, in a small way, your support and patronage. Please be thoughtful in your referrals to subscribe to the newsletter because no one ever wants what feels like spam or clutter in their inbox. Original landscape paintings and the stories I tell, no matter how much you enjoy them, are not for everyone... but I am convinced there are a few more people out there that will be as thrilled as you are!
And Good Luck!
Now for some of those new releases...

Evening beside the Sea by Terrill Welch | Artwork Archive
My evening plein air painting at Georgina Point beside the sea. What ended up on the linen board as each brushstroke of oil paint found its way to the surfac...

A Grassy Point Morning on Hornby Island by Terrill | Artwork Archive
The weather had cooled overnight and a wind was huffing along out of the west. So I tucked in with the sunrise on the east down near the shore where there wa...

Tide coming in Reef Bay by Terrill Welch | Artwork Archive
Light shifts and moves as the days merge on one canvas during the second plein air painting session. Reef Bay, Mayne Island, British Columbia, Canada

Standing below the old fir at Tribune Bay by Terrill | Artwork Archive
There is a Welsh phrase (not a “Welch” phrase) “dod yn ôl at fy nghoed”, meaning “to return to a balanced state of mind” or the literal translation is “to re...

Sandpiper Beach Community Park by Terrill Welch | Artwork Archive
The weather has been unseasonably warm with little-to-no breeze these last few days. I have been hiking early in the day and then finding a place to paint in...

Lost in the Light Edith Point Mayne Island by | Artwork Archive
A late afternoon in early April as the light slips through the trees and reaches its bright fingers over the steep sandstone shore. Edith Point, Mayne I...

Helliwell Cliff on Hornby Island by Terrill Welch | Artwork Archive
There is something about standing painting at the edge of a cliff that is irresistible! This latest adventure was no exception. A beautiful provincial park i...
This is a few of the works that are in the solo exhibition Earth, Sea and Sky opening today in the Art of Terrill Welch Gallery. Feel free to use the inquire button in the online gallery links to ask any questions or you can also just reply to the this newsletter - either or will work for me as both find their way into my direct inbox.
What Has Sold...
Within 29 minutes of being released, this work sold and, after the opening this weekend, it will be on its way from the southwest coast of Canada to New Mexico in the U.S.A.! Sometimes an art collector and newsletter subscriber just knows and the rest is details. I know, without hesitation, this small work will have a lovely home of its own that will be shared with a few other “Terrill Welch” originals. Lucky paintings!

The Bay at the Peterson Bench by Terrill Welch | Artwork Archive
The shimmering view was totally worth hiking in two km with my painting gear to stand on the shore near the bench and paint. Seascapes, like all other landsc...
The full list of works along with photos of the show itself are now up on the website...

Canadian Contemporary Artist Terrill Welch
Twelve of the eighteen paintings in the Art of Terrill Welch Gallery’s hottest show of the season were completed since the beginning of 2019. (Terrill Welch has completed and released 21 new works since January 1st but who is counting? ;) Earth, Sea and Sky is a solo exhibition that is about exactly what the…
What I Am Reading
About a week ago, we were in Sidney B.C. which is an island hop by ferry from Mayne Island, and we went to the oldest antiquarian bookshop on Vancouver Island. We are not strangers to this bookshop of course but it had been a while since we had popped in and settled into a good poke-around. Well, I found a gem that wasn’t really old at all, having been published in 2010 - The Twice-Weekly Letters: July 10, 1999 to September 25, 2009 by the Canadian landscape painter Robert Genn. The book is designed intentionally to be browsed with these short twice-weekly missives on anything and everything he was thinking about in relation to his painting practice and career. The book has a most impressive index to help research for material on a specific topic. The writing is more intentional than the journal of Emily Carr and broader in subject matter than the letters Vincent Van Gogh wrote to his brother Theo.
I am just now, turning the pages, looking for a short quote to give you an idea but it is not that simple. Genn’s letters have a certain structure. There is the first paragraph which is often a quote from somewhere (current or past) that has sparked his musings. Then he starts to unravel its complexities and nuances followed by a P.S. or concluding quote and finishing off with what he calls an “Esoterica” which when I looked up the word means - things understood by or meant for a select few; recondite matters or items. All of this is compacted into each short letter intended to be read in an email that was sent out to thousands of subscribers in 115 different countries. Robert Genn was born in Victoria B.C. on May 15, 1936 and died May 27, 2014. I never had a chance to meet him personally nor did I ever receive his twice-weekly letters directly. However, he is someone who has been brought to my attention many times by other artists and art collectors with both admiration and respect.
I did however, most definitely followed his Ten Commandments of Pricing! This is a question I get asked a lot by other artists starting out and since I first began finding homes for my work when I was still a teenager, I have been at it for a while now. Though pricing is something every long-term artist must figure out, it is also a thing that the astute art collector should become knowledgeable about as well.
So let’s have a look at what Robert Genn has to say on the subject. Then, if you want, you can do like I have and sign up to receive these newsletters and read past ones that are made available by his artist daughter Sara Genn and volunteers through a website and subscriptions. Every second letter is now written by Sara which means the whole body of Roberts letters will be delivered again over the next several decades on the website The Painter’s Keys. But let’s give you the specific link to the “Principles of Pricing Art” from February 17, 2004 while noting that it was written before the major up-swing of social media and online direct sales by artists. This just means that now the independent artist must exercise the same control as the agent and dealer. The task of judicially managing prices within the art market has simple slid down squarely onto the artist shoulders. However, here you go and I would love to hear what you think...
Principles of pricing art - The Painters Keys
By Robert Genn in his letter sent February 17, 2004
Until next time!
Canadian Contemporary Artist Terrill Welch Landscapes and more by impressionist painter Terrill Welch
Canadian landscape painter, Terrill Welch, exposes the mystery in an ordinary day, reminding us that there is only one moment – this one.
- If you enjoyed this issue of the newsletter, please consider sharing it with someone else who might also enjoy the read and browse. Thank you and all the best as always! Terrill 😊
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