A Brush with Life - Issue #35 What Must be Murdered For Art

We spend years learning our craft as an artist and a painter - now it is time to kill something in order for something new to grow. At least this is the advice of Sara Genn, daughter of the Canadian landscape painter Robert Genn. In one of her recent letters she writes:
The first rule of storytelling is that something must die in order for something else to be born. In your art story, this means that if you want your work to grow, you’ll need to kill something.
(Full credit and story at: https://painterskeys.com/swift-justice)
Then, Sara goes about giving readers the step-by-step instructions for preforming the murderous act of killing off our undesirable works. We all have them and yet it is darn difficult at times to put them out of their misery! But this fall, I will again quietly and purposefully select a few for the burn pile... creating room for something new to grow. I won’t tell you which works have been selected, nor will I ask for your advice or opinion. They will just be gone, destroyed, murdered, killed off at the hands of the creator.

In the meantime, let’s see what has been happening as I start thinking about what new wants to grow... something with the tentative title of “Arbutus Tree Watch Painting Project”. I have been doing more research about the climate stresses impacting one of my most favourite tree species. If you have research that would be useful for me to read, feel free to pass them along.

It is a budding idea but needs some room to put down roots first - because the project will take more than just me and my brushes to succeed with what I have in mind. I shall share more soon. For now, I am start to get ready for the Gallery’s -

Solo Exhibition “Paintings of the Salish Sea” November 1 – 10, 2019: Small and large landscape and seascape paintings, by internationally collected, contemporary Canadian artist, Terrill Welch, brush an ancient song in painting notes of movement and mystery across the canvases.
We have been traveling halfway up B.C.
I promised to share with you some highlights about our trip home to visit my parents and here is the blog post with stories about black bear sightings, photographs of fields, haystacks, gardens, river views and a glimpse into my love of family. Enjoy!

The Adventure of Visiting Parents | Creative Potager
We are halfway home again this morning and I am still thinking about how wonderful it was to get a good visit with both of my parents. It is not easy to catch them in the same photograph as they tend to be like bees and busy working away on their separate tasks until mealtime…
I didn’t do any painting while we were away and simply enjoyed the break and gathering some references, along with new memories. But I shall be back to the easel and picking up the brushes later today.
What Has SOLD...
Before we get directly into what has sold, I was assisting an art collector with solving a problem for a large feature painting in a difficult location. She had brought a photograph with her but we had no measurements. We were just about ready to choose some works that I would then bring to her place off island to test in location when I remembered a tool I had made available in April this year. It is the Augmented Reality app KUIO for viewing a painting in your room. She has left with the printed “target card”(which you can also do yourself) to put on her wall and will now “test” a few paintings in the location before we decide which work to bring in-person for a final decision.
However, I just got word from the Kunstmatrix platform that this is all going to change soon and there will be a new and improved app where no “target card” will be required. I will let you know more when the new option becomes available. For now, the current method still works. The instructions are on my website in the link below if you want to give it a try. Just scroll down to the second part about halfway down the post...
Canadian Contemporary Artist Terrill Welch
We know it is always great to visit the Terrill Welch Gallery on Mayne Island off the southwest coast of British Columbia, Canada. But what is one to do when this is not an option? We have been musing about this and have come up with an alternative experience beyond viewing works in only the…
Now for what has sold! While waiting to decide what large feature piece to choose for the more difficult space, this avid art collector has chosen two medium size paintings to add to her growing collection of my work and these are...


Both of these paintings are in the current Mayne Island Re/Max office “Mayne Island Landscapes” solo exhibition and will remain in the show, thanks to the generosity of the collector, until it closes at the end of September. So, if you are on island and wish to, you can drop by and see them before they disappear into a private collection.
Until Next Time!
Well, I think this is about it for this issue and thank you so much as always for your replies and sharing directly with me following each issue. I do so deeply enjoy these exchanges! Take good care.
Terrill 😊
p.s. With being away, I haven’t sorted out the second part of the Draw yet but will be drawing another name as the first has not responded to my enquires. So more in the next issue.
Canadian Contemporary Artist Terrill Welch Landscapes and more by impressionist painter Terrill Welch
Canadian landscape painter, Terrill Welch, exposes the mystery in an ordinary day, reminding us that there is only one moment – this one.
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