A Brush with Life - Issue #48 Gratitude and Art

A practice is something that is repeated as often as necessary to achieve a desired results. My desired result from my gratitude practice is to strengthen hope, lessen fear and reduce the impacts of loss. Gratitude allows me to focus on what I can give rather than what I want to receive. Gratitude allows me to notice what I have rather than what I am missing. The challenges and facts do not change. However, my resiliency and how I approach these challenges and facts do. My landscape painting is a physical practice of gratitude. Yet, I also have simple sentence I repeat often, sometimes by voice and sometimes in writing. It goes like this... “I am grateful for __________.”
A strong gratitude practice becomes a way of living and a way of being in the world. When this happens, it is the first approach that is taken. We learn how to let go - of everything. We learn to be open, to notice and to be receptive. Challenging times are an ideal time to practice gratitude and for this artist to paint. It is also an ideal time for art collectors and serious fans, meaning you, to practice gratitude and sit with your favourite “Terrill Welch” paintings (be it online, as a print or an original in your home). This is because these paintings are created from a place of gratitude and discovery of the mystery in an ordinary day. If there was ever a time in recent history that we need more of this, it is now. Enjoy!
New Painting Sketches
Part of this past week’s work in the home studio was the completion of this small study. There is nothing quite like an view of the east as the sun comes up. May this brief moment lift your spirits and leave you feeling refreshed and strong. Sea air at sunrise always does this for me. A collector and newsletter subscriber, who saw this work on Facebook earlier, commented “I call it ‘Hope for a New Day’.”

This next small study managed to get very slightly damaged on the trip home from Tofino last week. I had to go in and rework a small section... and it is often said that, if you change one brushstroke, another 100 follow. This is where this second 8 x 10 inch acrylic on gessobord painting finally came to rest.
The sea swirled around the rocks on the edge of a long sandy shore with an in coming tide. I can feel myself standing there long after travel has taken me away.

Gratitude in a Collection of Moments
So much feels like it has changed since I wrote to you just two short weeks ago. These are my notes from just this past Monday....

One of the many benefits of rural living is easy access to outdoor space while being able to keep a significant social distance. We have been walking the trails and meandering down beside the sea. We have been out in the yard and a little over a week ago I went down to the Japanese Garden in the rain to enjoy the plum blossoms. These are challenging times as friends arrive home to Montreal from Spain or to Vancouver Island from Mexico or find themselves stranded in the south of France unable to get back to their home in Prague because the border has been closed. The Prime Minister will address the Canadian nation in a hour as other leaders are continuing to do around the world. Phrases like “voluntary social distancing”, “self-isolation”, “closure of public gatherings” and “flatten the curve” have become familiar concepts to accompany COVID-19 daily updates. The year 1918, the Spanish Flu and the difference between what happened in Philadelphia and St. Louis has become a popular graph. By the way, something similar happened in British Columbia in 1918 when different responses we’re taken between Victoria, which closed all public venues for over a month, and Vancouver which didn’t. The rhythms of our global exchanges have been interrupted on all levels. We are responding and applying learning from the past and implementing new learning in the present. What does this mean for each of us? Many different things, I am guessing, depending on our unique circumstances. But there is going to be at least some changes for us all.

David and I are very skilled at being in gatherings with less than 25 people and staying 6 -10 feet away from others (the definition of voluntary social distancing). When we were assessing our situation, we realized that we keep our distance by conscious practice on an ordinary day and often don’t break this distance except by invitation from someone else. So now it is possible to remind others if necessary, though it hasn’t be necessary. Most of our community seems to get it. But we have still made some changes even in our routines. We have stopped going out to eat at our local bakery and instead have ordered to go (for as long as this seems safe). We will shop weekly instead of daily and have topped up slightly on our usual pantry supplies from 3 to 4 week’s worth of groceries. We will stay in our car if we are able to do so on the ferry today when we go in to Victoria to refill David’s prescriptions. We have hand sanitizer and will wipe all handles and knobs as we come in the door when we return and put our clothes in the laundry and then shower. It may all seem unnecessary as our province and area is still at low risk for the virus and we have no known cases on our island. But we want to do our part to keep it that way! These are the most important kinds of actions to take ahead of the curve and then maintain for the duration. [Since writing this on Tuesday, we have become even more cautious and we are following each increasing restriction that is being ordered as circumstances change. I won’t list them because they will be out of date in a few days or even possibly a few hours.]

Still, once we have done what we can, then there is nothing more to do other than watch the sun move across our beautiful landscape, visit with family and friends online or by phone, take on a home project we have been putting off or do work that doesn’t involve close contact with others, like renovating the new gallery room and painting in the studio or going on long quiet walks gathering reference images. These activities will strengthen our resilience and fortified our inner well-being as they always have.

Gratitude March 17, 2020 with landscape painter Terrill Welch
I made this video to highlight some of my favourite moments over the past three weeks as I gathered references, painted and spent time with my partner and fa...
I wish you all the best and some sunshine for today to warm your spirits and brighten your day. May we continue to bring out the best in each other and find intriguing and interesting ways to strengthen our collective well-being!
Tell me, what is a bright sunny kind of moment in your day?
Gratitude is often about giving...
The following announcement was made by the Terrill Welch Gallery on Wednesday...
In response to our need for social distancing and self-isolation, from now until May 31, 2020, we are offering 200 complimentary seats in Terrill Welch’s Independent Study Skill Building Masterclass online in oil painting. Registration is now open.
As we stay apart, let’s come together. All the best of today to you.
During challenging times, everyone does what they can to help out. Here is something that our artist Terrill Welch is offering to those that have that easel and those paints, canvases and brushes in the back of the closet or on a shelf in storage or under the stairs in the basement. If you already have your supplies, start today. This is your opportunity to dust off your creative genes and get to work! Terrill’s 10 independent study lessons will support your success every step of the way. The class is designed for water-mixable oils and painting from life. However, several acrylic and water colour painters have found these foundational lessons useful for those paints as well. If you have traditional oils, make sure the room is well ventilated.
Okay! Go paint! This opportunity is on us!

Beauty of Oils Art Classes with Canadian Contemporary Landscape Artist Terrill Welch
Art Classes with Terrill Welch Have you always wanted to master the art of oil painting? Now is your chance with international artist and teacher Terrill Welch. There are independent study online classes available ongoing. BEAUTY OF OILS SKILL BUILDING MASTERCLASS Independent Study of Skill Building Masterclass in oil painting (online independent study class with…
Students are registering from Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, the southwest coast of Canada and from all over the United States! Here are just a few of the notes I received:
“To say I am excited is an understatement. I have been looking at your work online and facebook for some time. I am happy to sign on for your lessons.”
“Thank you for offering this during this very stressful time. In preparation for being in my house, I stocked up on canvasses etc.”
“I just heard about your incredible offer!!! A friend of mine, who uses facebook, just contacted me.... Do you still have room? Are you still taking names? I would LOVE to be a part of this.”
“I have been painting for a number of years, and I am interested in taking your painting course, which you have kindly offered for free.”
And if you know someone who might be interested, there are still a few seats left.
The Art of Social Distancing...

at the Terrill Welch Gallery in Three Easy Steps
Need to chill for a while? Or imagine sitting by the sea, waves gently rolling in? How about a walk through the trees?
The Terrill Welch Gallery gets it! You need to remain in your own separate bubble space as much as possible for the next few weeks in order to help flatten the curve of COVID-19 virus, for your own well-being and that of your community, and yet, self care is still important. We know and we are prepared. We have received frequent reports over the years that viewing Terrill Welch’s landscape paintings has a calming effect, a sense of connection and peace. But you don’t need to take our word for it. Give it a try for yourself. Here is what you do in three easy social distancing steps:
Step One: In your own home, find your most comfortable chair and snuggle in with your favourite beverage and device.
Step Two: Click on this link to the Terrill Welch Gallery online collections at:
Online Art Gallery Canadian Contemporary Landscapes and more by impressionist painter Terrill Welch
Welcome! We are please to present our online gallery for your viewing and purchasing pleasure. The gallery can be viewed as "ALL", "AVAILABLE" or "SOLD". You can search for a specific painting or look at a collection of works. Once you have found your perfect painting, click on the "INQUIRE" button for purchase and delivery…
Step Three: Use the “Inquire” bottom to send us a direct email to make purchase and shipping arrangements, to ask a question or make individually tailored viewing arrangements, including using an augmented reality app to view the landscape painting in your own home or see paintings in a virtual gallery. See? We told you we get it! Or if you just want to be social and say “hello” reply below. We are always happy to chat and share an interesting adventure about a landscape painting or three.
Do let us know about your Terrill Welch Gallery social distancing experience. Did you have a favourite painting that you displayed on your big screen, or set up as a screen saver? Did you find one that is now being packaged up for shipping to you? Did you simply enjoy a few quiet moments, a reprieve, an ART break? I always love to hear from you and now, more than ever, I am thrilled to be part of your online community!
Virtual hugs while we wave and keep our physical social distance... and wash our hands, frequently. I look forward to seeing you in person sometime in May with the opening of the regular summer season or whenever it is safe to do so again. Your well-being is our well-being.
What Has Sold
Yes, even during these challenging times paintings are still selling and going off on their own adventures. I offer my deepest gratitude to the many collectors who choose to make “Terrill Welch paintings” part of their lives.
These two have left together and are carefully hung in a beautiful home on the southwest coast of Vancouver Island.
With the sun sliding quickly towards the western hills, this arbutus tree and I marvel at the bronze and golds of sandstone and reflections in the quiet sea. Dusk will come too soon today. Mayne Island B.C., Canada...

The roar of the surf as your foot slides across a wet tree root or rolls over sea-rounded rocks as you brace yourself against the wind and blasts of mist and rain - there is nothing else quite like it! Your heart quivers from excitement and exertion of about equal amounts. I drop my pack and set up my plein air easel. The brushstrokes reach for the waves and the sea foam as the sun ducks in and out behind the clouds. Welcome to late winter at China Beach on the southwest coast of Vancouver Island in British Columbia....

Renovations are on Schedule for Completion
We are fortunate to have purchased almost all of our renovation materials that were required from off island in advance. The rest have been sourced from our local hardware store. Our contractor is able to continue his amazing work in this space that is closed to the public with plastic now over that far door and has its own separate entrance. Thanks to these aspects, and your ongoing and continued patronage, the renovations of the new “Arbutus Room” expansion of the gallery is on schedule for completion and, with a bit of luck, will be ready to open when we are all again able to be out and about. Do you want to see where we are so far?

We were proceeding with the same process on the outside wall but the old wall paper ended up needing to be removed and birch paneling put up to create a smooth stable wall surface.

I am ever so grateful for “friends with construction and wall painting skills” and who are also able to assist with this renovation project. As along as we all remain well, we shall keep working together to get this renovation completed over the few weeks. Today, I will order the hanging system and cross my fingers that it’s delivery won’t be delayed for too long.
Until Next Time!
I am hopeful that this latest issue, more than any other, offers you a chance to reflect, become centred and step into a place filled with abundance and resilience. I am wishing these things for you because it makes the difficult and challenging times easier. Until next time! Take good care of yourself, those close to you and your community. As we stay apart, let’s come together.
Canadian Contemporary Artist Terrill Welch - Landscapes and more by impressionist painter Terrill Welch
Canadian landscape painter, Terrill Welch, exposes the mystery in an ordinary day, reminding us that there is only one moment – this one.
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