A Brush with Life - Issue #54 Island Time Summer 2020 Solo Exhibition
The Terrill Welch Gallery main Garden Room is showing “Island Time Summer 2020” - a solo exhibition of some of Terrill Welch’s larger arbutus tree paintings is now ready for visitors by appointment, 1 or 2 from the same household at a time, mask recommended and hand sanitizer provided. We are a
A Brush with Life - Issue #53 The Gallery’s Arbutus Room Opens
The Terrill Welch Gallery’s new Arbutus Room features west coast landscape paintings of three other artists along with my own work. The Terrill Welch Gallery now has two rooms. The original main Garden Room of the gallery will continue to showcase just my paintings. I will soon have more information
A Brush with Life - Issue #52 Stepping Away From a Life I Thought I Knew
I hope you are well and getting lots of fresh air. It is the best! I have been painting of course but also just taking time to do nothing now and again. Time to simply be! I am in the process of organizing my daily living into to new rhythms with less focus on what is getting done and energy going o
A Brush with Life - Issue #51 Large West Coast Wave Heading For Alberta
This would be a painting. A large west coast French Beach seascape, 30 x 40 inch walnut oil painting, sold to collectors in Alberta while still wet on the easel. The wave was barely rolling towards the foreground shore in the painting and I received a private message asking about its availability. T
A Brush with Life - Issue #50 Your Lunch Money For A Painting
What a time we are having. By all accounts, it is globally grim and going to get grimmer yet. The International Monetary Fund in its latest forecast is saying that the world economy in 2020 will suffer its worst year since the Great Depression of the 1930s. So why might I ask for your lunch money in
A Brush with Life - Issue #49 The Courage To Paint
“I think Mother Nature is telling us to pay attention to what truly makes us happy, and I think your art is one of those precious things.” - from an art collector to artist Terrill Welch.Receiving notes like this, gives me the courage to paint even during these are extraordinary and challenging
A Brush with Life - Issue #48 Gratitude and Art
A practice is something that is repeated as often as necessary to achieve a desired results. My desired result from my gratitude practice is to strengthen hope, lessen fear and reduce the impacts of loss. Gratitude allows me to focus on what I can give rather than what I want to receive. Gratitude a
A Brush with Life - Issue #47 Seascapes Hiking Trails and Paint
The roar of the surf as your foot slides across a wet tree root or rolls over sea-rounded rocks as you brace yourself against the wind and (sometimes) rain - there is nothing else quite like it! Your heart quivers from excitement and exertion of about equal amounts. Welcome to late winter on the sou
A Brush with Life - Issue #46 Your Perfect Nature Adventure Partner
Come discover nature through the eyes of a landscape painter. While exposing the mystery in an ordinary day, the Terrill Welch Gallery takes you right into our nature world. Stay current with recent adventures through our A Brush With Life newsletter. Every second Friday a complimentary is
A Brush with Life - Issue #45 There Are Only Artists
At the beginning of The Story of Art, Ernst Gombrich wrote, “There is really no such thing as Art. There are only artists” (first published in 1950 and now in its 16th edition). What might he have meant by this and why is it important? Gombrich later elaborated on this statement by saying that